القائمة الرئيسية


الأسطوانة 26 - كتب التفسير وعلومه ، pdf

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

كتب التفسير وعلومه - الأسطوانة رقم 26
▫️_♡_ تحتوي الأسطوانة على الكتب التالية _♡_▫️
Translation of the meanings of the Noble Quran in the Korean language.pdf
Translation of the meanings of the Noble Quran in the Macedonian language.pdf
Translation of the meanings of the Noble Quran in the Malayalam language.pdf
Translation of the meanings of the Noble Quran in the Myanmar language..volume 1.pdf
Translation of the meanings of the Noble Quran in the Myanmar language..volume 2.pdf
Translation of the meanings of the Noble Quran in the Philiipines language.pdf
Translation of the meanings of the Noble Quran in the Russian language.pdf
Translation of the meanings of the Noble Quran in the Somali language.pdf
Translation of the meanings of the Noble Quran in the Thai language.pdf
Translation of the meanings of the Noble Quran in the Tmail language.pdf
Translation of the meanings of the Noble Quran in the Vietnamese language.pdf
Translation of the meanings of the Noble Quran in the Yoroba language.pdf
Translation of the meanings of the Noble Quran in Urdu language.pdf
Translationof the meanings of Sura Al-Faatihah and Juz Amma in the Azerbijani(Azeri) language.pdf
Translationof the meanings of Sura Al-Faatihah and Juz Amma in the Russian language.pdf
Translationof the meanings of Sura Al-Faatihah and Juz Amma in the Swedish language.pdf
Translation of the emanings of the Noble Quran in the Indonesian language.pdf
Translation of the meanings of the Noble Quran in the Albanian language.pdf
Translation of the meanings of the Noble Quran in the Chichewa language.pdf
Translation of the meanings of the Noble Quran in the Chinese language.pdf
Translation of the meanings of the Noble Quran in the Kashmiri language.pdf
Translation of the meanings of the Noble Quran in the Kazakh language.pdf
مع تمنيات " مكتبة لسان العرب " لقرّائها وأحبّائها ومتابعيها الكرام
بالقراءة الممتعة النافعة والاستفادة العلمية.
▫️_♡_🕋 الله ﷻ_محمد ﷺ 🕌_♡_▫️
▫️ الحجم بالميجا: 859.7
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